Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lasem Batik Export Increase 20% Each Year


Growing and developing batik market in Central Java especially at Rembang regency since 2006 has positive impact. Rembang Trade Industry and Cooperative Agency recorded, Lasem batik export value produced by crafters at Rembang regency average 20 percent each year. Head of Industry Sector, Rembang Trade Industry and Cooperative Agency, Sudirman on Tuesday (October 27, 2009) said that Lasem batik market going wider. From only to China, Japan, and Malaysia as export destination, but at this time spread till South Korea and United States. That condition influenced batik export value. He gives example, in 2006 Lasem batik export value US$ 7.32 million. In 2007 Lasem batik export value increased to US$ 8.79 million. Increased of Lasem batik export value automatically will increased batik export value in Central Java. Lasem contributed 30 percent of batik Central Java export value.

1 comment:

  1. salam sahabat
    ehm..good posting..saya juga pernah menjumpai di negri rantauan yg sekarang saya tempati,harga batik mahal juga nich..siip good luck ya...
